Delivery Policy

All the terms and legality regarding sales, purchases, distribution, delivery, transfer of goods/services, or any other facilitation of sale or purchase of goods/ are independently agreed/ verified between users and BLUGREEN ENERGICA INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED or platform are not privy to the same. In view of the above, the users may decide the terms of shipping and delivery upon conclusion of the transactions between them outside the platform. The users may provide the shipment and delivery services either through their own logistics or through a third-party Logistics.

For any queries, please mail at

Key Elements of a Delivery Policy

* Shipping Methods: * Shipping Methods usually defined by Buyers and according to the requirement of Product specification. As about the urgency and safety security of the products Customer can specify the shipping through, standard, express method (Shipping Cost Borne by Customer).

* Delivery Areas: We worked and deliver pan India. The delivery charges are actual excluding geographically challenging and govt designated restricted area.

* Shipping Costs: * Shipping Cost derived by independently agreed/ verified between Buyer and Blugreen energica.

* Delivery Times: * Delivery time is between 15 days from day of shipping but depend upon shipping method and geography/region.

* Delays: National Holidays, Weather Conditions can cause the delay and immediately bring it to notice to the buyer.

* Tracking: Customer/Buyer can communicate and intimated by Email and voice call regarding shipping and delivery.